<aside> 🌶️ Legend distributes 50,000 CHZ as staking rewards across the match pools!


How to Play the Legend Euro2024 Staking Game

In order to celebrate the UEFA Euro2024 championship, Legend has set up a staking game on the Chiliz Chain. It gives CHZ holders the chance to support their favorite teams and get an awesome equivalent APY in return! This guide will walk you through the steps to participate in the game. It is divided into three phases: Participation Phase, Competition Phase, and Claim Phase. Here’s how you can join the fun and potentially win rewards.

Phase 1: Participation Phase

Step 1: Staking Your CHZ Tokens

  1. Choose a Match Pool: Browse the list of available match pools for the Euro2024 matches. Select the match you want to participate in.
  2. Connect Your Wallet: Connect the wallet where you have CHZ tokens on the Chiliz Chain.
  3. Decide Your Position: Determine how many CHZ tokens you want to stake for each team. You can allocate your tokens in any proportion you see fit. For example:
  4. Stake Your Tokens: Enter the number of tokens you want to stake for each team and confirm the transactions. Note that you will need to pay some gas fees in CHZ for the blockchain transactions. Once you’re done, you’ll see the equivalent APY you get in case your team wins.
  5. Modify Your Position (Optional): You can adjust your staked tokens at any time during the Participation Phase without penalty, except for gas fees. Simply withdraw your tokens and stake a different amount as needed.


Phase 2: Competition Phase

Step 2: Match in Progress

  1. No More Changes: Once the match starts, the Competition Phase begins. During this phase, you cannot stake or unstake any tokens.
  2. Wait for the Result: Watch the match and wait for the official result. This phase ends when the match result is officially declared and the pool is updated accordingly. Typically this will happen soon after the match ends and the result is officially published. However, it might take up to 24 hours in some cases.

Phase 3: Claim Phase

Step 3: Claiming Your Tokens and Rewards

  1. Claim Your Tokens: